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Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Self & Why

Is this for me or for you? Why do I blog? To the many people I follow on Twitter, I am probably considered a novice Twitter, Blogger and even Educationist (if there is such a word). I am on Twitter to learn. I am happy that people follow me and that they 'get' something from my tweets and posts. When I ran for position of Trustee, one of my goals/objectives was to inform people of happenings in Education. These happenings could be trends or policies. Those in the Education field see these happenings everyday and live them. Many parents are unaware of these happenings and it is them that I am trying to reach. That is why you see many retweets in my profile and my blogs are filled with links. When I was a SAC Chair, in my SAC report in the School's Newsletter I would have the website of the month. So here is my first & second website of the month. Engaging Parents in School and Connected Principals . Am I being successful? I do not know but I am trying. The learning I am accomplishing is tremendous. Communication, Information & Transparency are a good mixture for Confidence.  This one's for you and I enjoy it.

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