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Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Coming of 1:1

Our/my school Board, AMDSB, just introduced a 1:1 pilot project for grade 7 & 8 students in a group of schools. I am in favour of the initiative and believe in its success but also see the obstacles to it possible failure. There is no problem searching the internet to find stories of success and failure of both 1:1 & BYOD projects.

We have all heard the saying “The medium is the message.” We don’t want to be developing a new saying “Technology is the message” but “Technology is the means to the message.” Navigating the Digital Self

The Board has taking the initiative to launch the project. They must believe in it. The Purpose of Technology in Education .They must support the teachers, the students and the parents. It cannot be “here it is, go for it”. The training and resources for the teachers is essential.

The teachers are welcome to and excited about the project.What they do with it could the make or break of it. Its Time for Change. As compared to BYOD, 1:1 gives conformity to the devices used and what can be used. Some same diversity is needed. Total equity is still an issue. Will it require additional training & time for the teachers?

“My own Ipad.” “Terrific.” Disruptions: Minecraft, an Obsession and an Educational Tool. With this comes responsibility for the student. One to One Computing Triumph

Conversation Before Transformation. Parents are the wildcard here. They cannot be left hanging on what this all looks like: for the students, within the classroom and at home. It is maybe more of a change for them then the student. Whether it is a teacher, school or board led, parents need to be shown/demonstrated how this works.

Like all good plans it is the planning and implementation that can make or break it. The Board, teachers, students and parents all need to be on the same page or in this case screen, for success. What If? Technology in the 21st Century Classroom

I may have shared more information here than me saying anything but that is me. We will see how this supports our 4 Cs & 1 P and where we go from here.

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